A Liquid Art Metallic Epoxy Floor Coating That Will Upgrade the Floors in Your Columbus, OH, Home

Metallic Floor Coating Columbus OhioHave you ever walked into your basement or kitchen, looked down at your concrete floors, and wondered how a floor coating could change the look of your space? With GatorGuard’s Liquid Art metallic epoxy floor coating, your bare concrete floors can be transformed into a work of art. This unique epoxy floor coating comes in beautiful, bold colors, such as crimson, sapphire, and charcoal, and features a swirling pattern than can never be duplicated.

A Stunning & Protective Concrete Floor Coating For Your Home

While our Liquid Art metallic epoxy floor coating is vibrant and unique in its appearance, it also does a fantastic job protecting concrete floors. Your newly coated floors will resist cracking, chipping, scuffing, and staining, and will remain undamaged for many years to come. What’s more, our Liquid Art coating is:

  • Low maintenance
  • Easy to keep clean
  • Impermeable
  • Illuminating
  • Installed with GatorShield—a water mitigation barrier that protects your floors against delamination and peeling due to hydrostatic pressure

Partner With GatorGuard for Your Columbus, OH, Home’s Floor Coating Project

When you choose to partner with GatorGuard for your new Liquid Art metallic epoxy floor coating, you are not only receiving a premium coating for your concrete floors. You are also receiving top-notch services by factory-trained technicians. Our team is committed to providing the best products and services on the market, so you can rest assured your new floor coating will be installed with the upmost care and professionalism.

To learn more about what we can offer your Columbus, OH, home, contact GatorGuard today.